Fairuz Bilquis Khan
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Premier University, Chattogram
B.Sc. in Computer Science And Engineering (2018-2023)
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna
5th International Conference on Electrical Information and CommunicationTechnology (EICT) 2021
Publisher: IEEE
Major Projects:
A recruitment website using C#, ASP.NET, javascript, CSS, HTML
A computer graphics project using C and opengl library
A fun game against AI using Python, Spyder, Pygame
Online shopping app using swift, Xcode 13
Brain MRI images were classified as tumorous and non-tumorous, if tumorous then tumor is segmented from original images.
A hardware project using various sensors as a detector for covid patients
A webApp using python and Flask, MongoDB framework
A compiler was designed using C, Flex, Bison Android
An event management app using Android studio, Java, Firebase